2024-2025 Pre-season Information
Captain's Practices dates/times [TBD]
Captains practice is a great way to meet the team and learn more about what our season is going to look like. After captain's practices the first two weeks of the season will be spent finalizing our game roster. There is no cost to show up for captain's practice.
Other Important information
We are a club sport and the school funds only a small percentage of our costs. In order to meet our budget players are required to pay a yearly fee. Last year the player fee was $450; this is subject to change. Players only pay for food on road trips, everything else is covered [travel, ice, and hotels]. We also provide game jerseys and socks.
Player Eligibility
Players must have a GPA of 2.0 with a minimum of 9 credits each semester in order to be eligible.
Every fall the team sets up a booth during the club/activities fair on campus.
Stop by and say hi to learn more!